Extension Online Learning Events
Extension Learning Events are pre-recorded learning modules which can be viewed from any PC 24 hours a day using Windows Media Player. To view a training module, download Window Media Player and then click on the event name. |
Users on a slow connection may experience difficulty viewing an archive because of the large file size. If you would like a CD of an archived session, contact Sonja Jo Serna at (505) 646-5659 or sserna@nmsu.edu for more information. |
Supplemental learning materials are available as PDF files. To use files in PDF format, you will need the Adobe Acrobat Reader. Download Acrobat Reader from the Adobe web site by clicking on the "Get Acrobat!" icon. |
Crop Management
Organic Farm Crop Production George Dickerson, horticulture specialist Upon review of this module you should be able to:
- Identify approved chemicals and fertilizers for organic farming practices
- Describe the regulations for marketing organic produce
- Define what management practices must be present to qualify as an organic farm
Crop Adaptation Bob Bevacqua, Extension vegetable specialist Upon review of this module you should be able to:
- List the relative water requirements of major NM crops
- List the relative nutrient requirements for major NM crops
- Describe methods to improve plant growth on highly alkaline soils
- Describe methods to improve plant growth on saline soils
- Define the effects of temperature extremes on growth and development of crops
- Describe when crops are usually most susceptible to water stress
Cropping Systems Module Denise McWilliams, Extension agronomist Upon review of this module you should be able to:
- Describe how crops are adapted for rotational systems
- Describe how water use and tillage systems affect crops
- ID cover, trap and rotational system selection in crops
- List crop aspects that make a system sustainable
supplemental learning materials
Crop Management Module Denise McWilliams, Extension agronomist Upon review of this module you should be able to:
- Assess seed needs and general factors affecting planting
- List seeding date, rate, depth and patterns in crops
- List factors that optimize crop planting and limit replanting needs
- Evaluate agronomic and economic information to improve crops
supplemental learning materials
Crop Growth Management Module Denise McWilliams, Extension agronomist Upon review of this module you should be able to:
- List the external and internal factors that affect crop growth
- Describe some of the theories on limiting crop factors
- List how crop geometry, even under changing environmental conditions, is influenced
- Describe how crop growth dynamics over the season influences plants and how plant parameters can indicate whether optimum yield conditions exist
supplemental learning materials
Crop Harvest and Storage Module Denise McWilliams, Extension agronomist Upon review of this module you should be able to:
- Decide when to harvest and the methods of harvesting specific crops
- Describe the difference between physiological maturity and harvest maturity in crops
- Describe the importance of seed or forage moisture content in the storage of crops
- Explain the role and use of growth regulators, desiccants and defoliants to improve crop quality
- Apply harvest information within whole farm management planning
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Integrated Pest Management
Plant Pathology (Part I): Plant Disease Control Natalie Goldberg, Extension plant pathologist Upon review of this module you should be able to:
- Describe the difference between a plant disorder and a plant disease
- List environmental factors affecting disease development
- Identify and describe abiotic and biotic disease causal agents
Plant Pathology (Part II): Diagnosing Plant Disorders Natalie Goldberg, Extension plant pathologist Upon review of this module you should be able to:
- Describe the elements and pitfalls of accurate plant disorder diagnosis
- Categorize causes of plant disorders and plant disease
- abiotic vs biotic
- single vs multiple problems
- disease complexes
- organism succession
- Describe common symptoms of plant disorders and plant diseases
Plant Pathology (Part III): Plant Disease Management Natalie Goldberg, Extension plant pathologist Upon review of this module you should be able to:
- Describe the basic principle of:
- Genetic resistance
- Cultural management
- Biological management
- Chemical management
Insect Identification - I: Getting Started Carol Sutherland, Extension entomologist Upon review of this module you should be able to:
- Describe insect identification as it pertains to:
- Role in crop production (pest vs. beneficial)
- Metamorphosis
- Mouthparts and feeding habits
- Sight identification
- Life cycle: host crops and type of damage
Insect Identification - II: Simple Metamorphosis Carol Sutherland, Extension entomologist Upon review of this module you should be able to:
- Describe simple metamorphosis
- Identify common NM crop pests with simple metamorphosis
Insect Identification - III: Complete Metamorphosis Carol Sutherland, Extension entomologist Upon review of this module you should be able to:
- Describe complete metamorphosis
- Discuss key features of site identification to determine populations
- ID life cycles
- Identify types of metamorphosis
- Identify mouthparts and describe feeding habits
- Identify host crops and crop damage
Integrated Pest Management - I: Some Concepts Carol Sutherland, Extension entomologist Upon review of this module you should be able to:
- Describe basic concepts of IPM
Integrated Pest Management - II: Tools of IPM Programs Carol Sutherland, Extension entomologist Upon review of this module you should be able to:
- List the important characteristics of each of the following IPM tools:
- Cultural control
- Biological control
- Pesticides
- Host plant resistance
- Physical/Mechanical control
- Regulatory control
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Nutrient Management
Nutrient Management Module Denise McWilliams, Extension agronomist Upon review of this module you should be able to:
- Explain the function of soil as a medium for plant growth and yield
- Define how soils impact plant growth and nutrient uptake
- Describe nutrient requirements for plants
- Identify deficiency and toxicity symptoms in plants and corrective steps in improving plant growth
- Describe how cropping systems and rotations can affect nutrient availability
supplemental learning materials
Nutrient Sources and Applications Denise McWilliams, Extension agronomist Upon review of this module you should be able to:
- Describe how nutrients, soil and geological factors play into fertilizer use decisions
- Evaluate why you should carefully weigh decisions to use fertilizers
- List the environmental constraints when using certain nutrient sources
- List different ways nutrients can be applied to crop land
- Describe the application technologies available for fertilizer use
supplemental learning materials
Manure/Wastewater Characteristics & Volume Calculations Robert Flynn, Extension agronomist Participants should be able to:
- Calculate manure production based on dry matter intake and digestibility
- Describe proper sampling techniques for manure piles
- Describe manure and wastewater characteristics
- Describe sample variability and ways to improve lab confidence
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Soil and Water Management
Mechanical Irrigation Robert Flynn, Extension agronomist Participants in this module should be able to describe the following:
- Symptoms of poor efficiency in pivots and side-roll systems
- Plant performance as affected by water distribution
- Effect of wind on water distribution
- Methods of achieving high application efficiency
- In-season maintenance practices
Salinity Basics Robert Flynn, Extension agronomist Participants should be able to:
- Define salinity
- Define sodium affected soil
- Define saline/sodium affected soil
- Define crop response to salinity
- Describe best management practices to control salinity
- Describe when gypsum is used
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